A Journey of Running - One Step At A Time

Follow my life as I embark on the exciting journey of running, racing, and finding my true potential.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Finding Solace

I've been away for so long, I know guys. I haven't ran in forever it seems like. I don't know where my spark has gone, and I can't pin point if it has been due to over training or another burnout. I feel no urge to go and run, and I feel that I'm overwhelmed and stressed out in other areas of my life like school and work. I know that running will help ease the stress and emotions that I've been feeling lately, and I plan on getting out there again and making you all proud. My Daily Mile profile says I haven't ran in 2 weeks (!) which is insane because it feels like an eternity. Things aren't going as best as they can right now in my life, I won't lie. I have challenges and pressures set before me and I feel like I'm crumbling.

I've put running on the back burner because I have such high expectations with my results, and I have recently started goal-setting at my current job which showcased all that I want to do (health and sport wise). The looming feeling of achieving these tasks really overwhelmed me (to name a few, qualifying for Boston, and completing an Ironman). It's time to re-evaluate why I love running and to harness the love I get from running, instead of trying to force PR's and catching up to the big guys.

I'm still here, sitting and waiting for the words to come to me; to make you guys proud and never give up. Here's to getting back on the track, on finding solace in running again.

Hope you guys didn't forget about me,
Happy Running :)

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Busy Bee! AKA I'm back!

Well I just realized I haven't posted in a while and I have so many things to update you guys on! I run it through my head but never sit down to actually write it through, so for that I apologize. I know it's been too long! This month has been crazy busy and full of all kinds of goodies!

My birthday was a blast and I had so much fun! (Okay I promise that was the last exclamation point.) My darling partner did in fact get me the Garmin 410 which I was SHOCKED about. He is honestly never the type to stick to the plan and is quite spontaneous especially with ideas, so I was shocked that he got it for me (and the newest model no less!). Needless to say, I am totally addicted to it. It's a thing of beauty! Now all I have to do is learn how to use it. We ended up going to dinner at The Keg on my actual birth day and also went to Running Room for a wee bit of shopping (I needed socks, yo.) Then during the weekend we went with a bunch of friends to a teppanyaki korean restaurant which was fantastic! They cook the food right in front of you; it's definitely to die for.

Onto other news, I officially got a job at Lululemon Athletica! I am so excited to be part of the team and I have always wanted to work for the company. Lululemon represents everything I stand for including (but not limited to) health and wellness, passion, and happiness. This was another fantastic birthday gift, and I can't wait to show em what I've got! :D

My first race has finally happened! I can't believe I have a race under my belt, I'm super excited.The Sporting Life 10K was amazing to say the least and was exhilirating. Full report coming tonight, I promise.

All in all, I promise to update you guys more often as long as you keep reading my blog and supporting it :) Hope everyone had a fantastic April. Now time for summer!

Happy Running!
- Kat