A Journey of Running - One Step At A Time

Follow my life as I embark on the exciting journey of running, racing, and finding my true potential.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Busy Bee! AKA I'm back!

Well I just realized I haven't posted in a while and I have so many things to update you guys on! I run it through my head but never sit down to actually write it through, so for that I apologize. I know it's been too long! This month has been crazy busy and full of all kinds of goodies!

My birthday was a blast and I had so much fun! (Okay I promise that was the last exclamation point.) My darling partner did in fact get me the Garmin 410 which I was SHOCKED about. He is honestly never the type to stick to the plan and is quite spontaneous especially with ideas, so I was shocked that he got it for me (and the newest model no less!). Needless to say, I am totally addicted to it. It's a thing of beauty! Now all I have to do is learn how to use it. We ended up going to dinner at The Keg on my actual birth day and also went to Running Room for a wee bit of shopping (I needed socks, yo.) Then during the weekend we went with a bunch of friends to a teppanyaki korean restaurant which was fantastic! They cook the food right in front of you; it's definitely to die for.

Onto other news, I officially got a job at Lululemon Athletica! I am so excited to be part of the team and I have always wanted to work for the company. Lululemon represents everything I stand for including (but not limited to) health and wellness, passion, and happiness. This was another fantastic birthday gift, and I can't wait to show em what I've got! :D

My first race has finally happened! I can't believe I have a race under my belt, I'm super excited.The Sporting Life 10K was amazing to say the least and was exhilirating. Full report coming tonight, I promise.

All in all, I promise to update you guys more often as long as you keep reading my blog and supporting it :) Hope everyone had a fantastic April. Now time for summer!

Happy Running!
- Kat


  1. Glad to have you back! Can't wait to read about the race.

  2. Welcome to the fam, Kat! Excited to have you. Looking forward to your recap on your Sporting Life 10k!

    Happy running,
    Laura, lululemon athletica

  3. First race are the best one. Great memory you must have.
