A Journey of Running - One Step At A Time

Follow my life as I embark on the exciting journey of running, racing, and finding my true potential.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


Where do I begin? 
I cant believe its been almost one year since I last posted an entry, but I figured I was done with this blog. 
I figured I was too busy, had barely anything to say, and no one even bothered to read my blog. 
However, I realized that there are in fact quite a few of you guys who care and wish to read my blog, 
so thank you! I recently decided to continue writing and updating this blog, simply to get whatever it is 
I want, off my chest. Anything from running, to race reports, even to daily nuances of everyday life. 
Come along (again!) on this ride with me, have a read, and enjoy! 
So now that we've concluded that, lets dive into some updates!
Last year I was scheduled to run the Scotiabank Toronto Half Marathon but dropped out due to 
undertraining. I promised myself I would be smart next time, and committed myself to running the 
Toronto Goodlife Half-Marathon the following May. 
Fast forward to May! Were just a few short days away from the Goodlife Half-Marathon on 
Sunday May 6th! 
So how do I feel? I feel extremely nervous, anxious, but also very excited. 
See, this month has been my birthday month, and I slacked off a bit (ate a little too much, drank a 
little too much, and basically did not run as much as I could). While this concerns me quite a bit, 
I did in fact have a great training period leading up to the first week of april, with Hal Higdons 
fantastic half-mary (found here) training plan. It helped me HEAPS! 
I truly recommend it and will continue to use his plans for future half and even full marathons. 
So yes I didnt run as often or long as I should, but everyone keeps telling me that I'll be fine and 
all the training is done. I do happen to agree; while yes,  I could've trained more (and longer), 
I am in fairly good shape and have a good base that ive built over the past year.
Ideally, I'd love to finish the half in sub 2 hours, but I have to be realistic that this may not happen. 
If I finish in 2.5 then i finish in 2.5 hours. The bottom line is, so freaking what? 
I am constantly hard on myself and my running pace. I need to scale back and realize WHY I run: 
for fun, for solitude and peace, and more importantly for health (and weight loss, duh).
Its time to lace up the shoes, and tackle this head on! 
Wish me luck, and yes a full race report following the race will be done. Promise. 
I wish all my fellow runners a great relaxing week before this sundays race, 
and wish everyone good luck this Sunday! 

See you there ladies and gents!
Happy running,