A Journey of Running - One Step At A Time

Follow my life as I embark on the exciting journey of running, racing, and finding my true potential.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Training Burnout

Well, I officially had my first burnout week. Am I initiated yet? :D

Ever since last Thursday, my running efforts have been lack luster to say the least. I ran a sweet and short tempo run last Thursday and attended a hot yoga class on Friday and JUST got back to running yesterday (Thursday). A whole week without running, you ask? Why yes, and it was filled with social outings, beautiful weather, and a chance to enjoy sinful food instead of my usual regime.

I read about training burnout before, but I never thought I'd get it. Besides going out for a few days, my body has been feeling exhausted and tired. I feel like the only thing I want to do is sleep and relax. Burnout is categorized when a runner experiences periods of mental and physical exhaustion from running. Now before you criticize and tell me "But Kat, you don't even run 20-30 miles a week, how can you be burnt out?", I will remind you that I was a couch potato until the end of January. Then BAM I picked up running 3 times a week (11-15 miles a week), so my body (I'm assuming) went into a tailspin, accompanied by stress mode, and asked me what the hell I think I'm doing.

The good thing is that I took my much needed rest and realized that the sinful eating (pizza, beer, and nachos, OH MY!) isn't for me. While it's great to relax and eat junk food with friends, I know where to draw the line now and not continue this pattern every day or every weekend. I enjoy sticking to my nutritional runner's diet and I enjoy eating healthy instead of filling my body with toxins and preservatives. Now don't get me wrong, I love my chocolate brownies and hazelnut lattes, but like they say: everything in moderation!

So to all who are suffering from a burnout week, I suggest you listen to your body and take the week off. Learn to rest, and truly rest! Relax and enjoy the comfort of your home. Eat well, but treat yourself if you really want to. No one will punish you, don't worry! That way you recover faster, and prevent and injury that'll take you out for a few months of running.

Happy Running!
- K

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